Soulsign is, honestly, a silly little self indulgent idea that I had for a comic that fuses things that I personally really enjoy like battle shonen, internet art styles of old, and so on. It follows brothers Theo and Paul as they and their friends find themselves entrenched in an ongoing mystery that's enveloping their small town.

I originally envisioned the plot as something that you'd see in a RPG, but dialed it back a bit and combined the idea with characters and ideas that I had for a web cartoon akin to Eddsworld to create what I know refer to as Soulsign. I can't exactly give an estimate for when I'll be done ironing out small details for consistency's sake, but I'll link to the comic here once I've got it up and going! At the very bottom of the page I included a content warning for those who may want it, and if that changes as I write the story I'll be sure to update it.

For those who may need them I'll be putting content warnings in the author notes.

The comic!